Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This isn't my first time...

So I have had a blog for about a year or so now, I created this new blog because my other one was a bit...lets say..informative and explicit. I figured that it would be inappropriate for some of my posts to be used under an education BLOG, So here we go again. My name is Allison, I am 21 years old. I love myself, my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and my animals. Some of you might think that saying I love myself is conceded but I think its called being smart. If you love yourself you can never say no one loves you...also if you have faith in yourself, you can never say that no one believes in you. So my motto is "Always believe in yourself and Always Love yourself, above all other things ".

Take life one day at a time, don't have regrets because they are simply a lesson in disguise and never give up on something that you want, because there is a way to get everything we want in this world, somethings might require working harder or going a different direction to get, but we can always get what we want if we never give up on it.

 Also, some people might find my blog informative and some might find it completely and utterly ridiculous, but that the beauty of a blog, they are opinions and facts that YOU choose to post. Not everyone will like your posts but they do not have to like them, because they are YOUR choices.

You will also find out that Quotes are very important to me, I love looking up quotes because words are so powerful...It is important for us to know about the past, so some of my favorites are from older souls whom  I ador...So I might use quotes as a beginning or ending to my posts..

till another day...
Love <3 Live :-* Laugh :-D

"Life is hard, after all, it kills you"- Katharine Hepburn

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