Monday, October 31, 2011

Reflection 3

  1. Reflect on your experience developing your multimedia  project in Assignment 6. What new did you learn during this activity?
                   The multimedia assignment was pretty fun. I chose a topic that I can actually use in the future when I teach my science courses. I have had a lot of experience through school with Power Point and I enjoy it. I would rather do a PowerPoint then write a paper any day. I am so happy that I got the experience I did when I was younger with technology because it has made College much easier on my. The new thing that I learned with this project is hyperlinking. I did not know how to do that completely. I also learned that on sound clips you can change the image of the speaker to anything you want too...I changed mine to a picture that I took of a bird.

      2.Talk briefly about how you would integrate multimedia into a lesson plan? 
         Share an activity or project (involving multimedia) that you think will engage and challenge  students.

I would use some multimedia videos as instructional tools. I could also have students create their own multimedia videos and "teach" the class what they learned. I good example of this kind of project is having the students choose some sort of living thing: animal, plant, bacteria, etc. and have them create a PowerPoint with certain information on their organism. Have a criteria list for the students to follow that they will be graded on, I would also make sure to tell them that creativity pays of..and that they would get points for creativity within the Power Point.

Have a Spooktacular Halloween!

<3 Love :D Beauty :-* Respect
Allison Mueller

- "To make oneself hated is more difficult than to make oneself loved"- Pablo Picasso

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