Sunday, April 19, 2015

My ABCs after 4 months with my little lizard

April 19, 2015

Here are some ABCs that I wanted to list to try to remind myself of some things, maybe they will help someone else too:

A) ASK FOR HELP! There is no shame.

B) BREASTFEED YOUR BABY. (If you can, If you can't just feed em) It is good for you and your baby. Do it as long as you can and don't give up, I had to use this stupid nipple shield for the first month and it was the most frustrating, exhausting thing in the world...but in the end it was worth it. Even when he would knock it off and I had to start all over with the feed in the middle of the night, it will get better. The love and excitement you get from a physiological response in your body is just shocking. Heck the first time he latched on without the shield my life was better. **UPDATE: Breastfeeding is hard and it is okay and you are a wonderful mama without doing it...but this mama was so excited when we won the battle to be able to feed correctly**

 C) Confidence is my new best friend. You are not a failure because you didn't know why he was crying or because you can't get them to latch on at first, or because someone told you that you are doing something confident through it all. Try at least.

 D) Decide what is a priority. Do you do the dishes or the laundry in the 20min break you might have.

E) Enough is Enough. When you have had enough of everyone throwing how you should be doing something at you, just say enough is enough. You don't have to be rude about it, but you can politely just say okay with a smile and go on...but when someone tries pushing things on you that you are not comfortable with, tell them flat out enough is enough. This is my child and every mother knows what's best for their child. It's biological. We are all different and every baby is different.

F) Firsts are Fun. Fun is about to have an entire new meaning to you. You'll understand this one when your little baby finds a new sound they can make or scares himself when he toots, or when he finds his feet for the first time. Firsts become the most fun things you have ever experienced.

G) Growing. This happens so fast that you will want to cry. It literally flies by...if you thought time was going by fast before your baby, you have no idea how fast it goes once you see him double his birth weight in just 4 months.

 H) Hold your baby as much as you can but put them down when your at your breaking point (yes even if they are crying/screaming) If you are going to break put them down...go outside...scream/count to 10/take a deep breath, you can do it.

 I) Invest in your child's future. Start a bank account for him/her before they are even born. Start putting in any extra money. This is something I said I would make sure to do for my child so that they would not have to stress about paying for an education (hopefully) in the future. Make sure it is one that you can't take money out of. This is not your money. It is theirs.

 J) Join your friend or family when they ask you to do something. It's important for you to feel normal.

 K) Knight in shining armor. Yes, Tim is mine and everyone need one. whether it is your mom, dad, brother, sister, spouse, aunt, uncle, friend etc. Everyone will have that moment where they are glad that person stepped in and helped you.

 L) LOVE, LOVE, LOVE....Love is all you need. Really it is, as long as your baby knows and feels the love, they will not remember the bad things. They wont remember how broke you were, how many nights you broke down, how dirty the house was. Don't just love your baby, love your spouse as well...because the love you feel for that baby can be so tremendous you can forget just how in love you are with them at moments.

 M) Money is going to be tight, for the rest of your life. You now don't worry about if you have enough money to catch a movie, you worry if you have enough money to go grocery shopping. But hey guess Tim says "It will all work out" Everything will feel like it is impossible, but you'll get through it. Managing your spending is going to become your life.

 N) NO ONE knows better than you. You are the parent and your instincts are primal...go with them.

 O) Open your mind. Take in some of the advice, research, read, educate yourself. Then make your own decisions on what you think is best for you and your family.

 P) Pump and give them a bottle or have someone else give them a bottle (you'll appreciate it once you start working again)

Q) Quiet time. Take a few minutes out of the day and turn off everything. Just be there with your child in the quiet. it will do wonders.

R) READ and TALK constantly to your baby. If you are at home and baking a cake, strap them into their carrier and let them watch you...this is how they learn, by watching, listening, smelling, touching, tasting the things around them...At some point everything will go into their mouth. If you do everything for your baby without making them learn to ask or communicate properly, then they will struggle a bit later on.

S) Stay Strong and Smile though it. Your smile will teach your baby to smile and in the middle of the night when your baby wont burp and you are exhausted...then he turns his little head towards you, looks at you, and smiles...that will be your reminder that you can get through it. It will make you melt but it will also make you say "really you little booger, you are being a butt and you are smiling about it".

T) Trust in your baby. You don't need to do everything for them...let them learn to sooth themselves. I'm not a believer in the cry it out method because crying is the only way infants know to communicate., but I also know the difference between an actual cry and a will learn it to, don't give into the whimpers...they will find their feet and be okay :)

U) Unplug. In today's world we are so dependent on our devices that unplugging just seems like the impossible. We recently went on a trip to Duggar IN...Yea it's itty-bitty and has no cell service. Well this trip was absolutely amazing. It was filled with love, cuddles with Tim and Rexton, and we didn't watch TV but maybe once the entire time we were there...and left our phones on airplane was a peacefulness that you wouldn't expect.

V) VILLAGE! It takes a village. That is something that I believe in whole-heartedly. Tim and I have a huge support system around us. This boy has family, extended family, work-family, friend-family, and we know that if we need anything or if we are struggling, we can depend on these amazing people in our lives to be there for us and our little man. Take the help. Let the Village help'll be weary at first but eventually you wont feel like you are a burden to them. That was my biggest issue, I didn't want to be a burden to anyone with the needy baby...but eventually you will learn to accept the village. Accept the help from the waitress at the Mexican restaurant who holds your baby so you can eat, or the couple at the restaurant who chase you down to give you the baby sock that fell on the ground. There are many people in the same boat as you or that have been in your boat and they know how it is, just accept the help.

W) Wrong. You will be wrong sometimes, but that's how we learn. If you are always right, then you will not be humble. Admit when you are wrong, and apologize if necessary.

X) Xs and Os. Kiss and Hug that baby and your spouse every minute that you can. Also anytime you are leaving...because the world is a dangerous place and we never know when the last hug or kiss will be.

Y) Youth. You're going to feel like an old fart for a little bit because your friends might be going out drinking and your idea of fun is staying at home with a bottle of wine playing cards...but guess what your true friends will be the ones who join in on the cards and wine instead of saying your lame for not going out. Don't get me wrong, I think going out is great, and if you have the money then go for it, but we usually don't have the money...and the hassle of getting the baby all packed up and taken to someone else's house to be babysat is annoying. Remember that you are still young and do things to keep yourself feeling so, exercise is a good way to keep you feeling younger.

Z) Zen. Find your Zen. Whether it is a bath, watching a football/basketball game, running, yoga, whatever...find what helps you and do it everyday.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Truth About Time.

March 1, 2015
So, it hit me really hard today that time is going by so fast that I can't keep up. I said I'd update and explain how my pregnancy went, but MY LITTLE MAN IS OVER 10 WEEKS!? Where did the time go?
We have enjoyed every day that we have spent with him...but I want more. I want to have the time back to take those cute little pictures with the onesies that say their age, I want the pregnancy pics every month to see the growth and magic of growing this precious bot, I want the beautiful black and white post delivery pics, I want all of the little things that I see other women have done.      

Why didn't we take the time to do these things? We were working on our degrees while I was pregnant, we were trying to get through the days after he was born but were too exhausted, and now Tim is working and going to school and I am trying to work a couple shifts so we have the money  we need to get by. This is our reality, I want to do so many things so that I can remember every little moment, but it's out of fear. I fear that the day will come many many years from now that I might not be able to remember my firstborn. I may not remember the little wrinkles he gets around his mouth after breastfeeding, I may not remember the way he looks while Tim and I are laying on either side of him, I may not remember the coy smiles he does in his sleep, or the look in his eyes as he follows my movements around the room. So, I take pictures of every cute little thing when I can.

But these pictures aren't enough for me, I want more. I want more days, more energy, more time, more snuggles, more baths, more smiles...but the reality is, we don't get more. We have to just hold onto the time that we are given and that to me is why everyday is so Important. Yea we may not have gotten to do the cute little things other parents have...but these things aren't really what's important.

It doesn't matter what we as parents remember, and I see that now...what matters is what he remembers. If we can give him a memorable life that he knows is safe and always felt loved in, then that is what truly matters. So far I think we are giving him that. This little man is so loved and that can never be undone, never be taken away, never be forgotten. I will always love him and his daddy.

I will always love his daddy because his daddy has given me so much. His daddy has sacrificed not getting to see him so that I can stay home with him and build an database of memories. He has sacrificed hours of sleep even though he has to get up and go to work/school, just to take him from me for a few minutes so I can gather my sanity and make my coffee. He's given me a life that though is not perfect to the outside eye, is perfect in ours. The only thing that could make this life better would be some magical money bank, so that Tim can enjoy the time with our little man.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


February 5, 2015
So guess what...finally my son decides he is going to sleep good and my body decides on insomnia...really? I like sleep too...I think that for the past 7 weeks my body has been so deprived of sleep that when I get more than 2 hours straight it thinks it's just a-ok to stay awake For no reason.

Dear body,
You are stupid. Living on 2 hours of sleep is not healthy, fall asleep!
Your Owner

back in the saddle..

February 15, 2015
So I started this blog in 2011 for one of the courses I was taking in school and I recently decided to start it up again. Not for school, but for sanity. You see, my life script has added a new scene in it recently and it is an ever-changing bipolar scene. I recently became responsible for another human being. December 12, 2014 my alien became a living, breathing, needy human being. This day shit got real.

I guess I should start from the beginning...NOT...hell the beginning of this story was 7 years ago, and I can barely remember to brush my teeth right now much less all of the details that brought me to where I am now, but in short Girl met boy, boy older than girl, girl and boy fall in love and the rest is what they say history. The good, bad and the ugly have all been covered in this love story...but then girl and boy found out in April 2014 that they would be having a baby. Little did the girl and boy know, life really does change completely once the alien becomes a human. [Okay let me explain the alien thing, my dad and I referred to the baby as alien...because heck when it's wiggling around inside of you, pushing on your ribs, giving you indigestion, and tap dancing on your bladder all while tucked away in the fluid filled abyss, it really does seem like you have an alien growing inside of you.] Well that's the short story that bring me to where I am today, which is on the couch with my baby boy lying on my chest breathing heavily with his milk breath in my face.

I decided to start this blog up again, because I have realized that I needed somewhere to write/share all of the good, bad, and ugly days that I have in this new life with my (no longer alien) baby. I realize that I wanted somewhere to talk about the troubles I'm having or the awesome successes without feeling like I am getting on someone's nerves or like I shouldn't feel the way I do, because lets be honest, everyone has an opinion when it comes to parenting and they will give it to you.

Starting with the pregnancy, I was pretty much the opposite of every horrible story that I heard. Instead of becoming a whale-I gained 13lbs, instead of morning sickness- I got night nausea, instead of sleepiness-I got drop dead-need 10hrs of sleep to function, instead of stretchmarks...just kidding I got those boogers, and might I add after pushing out a tiny human I believe they should change the name of them to battle scars, because that is what labor is. Labor is a total war. You think that all of sudden you get a break from the pain and you are managing it great by singing your 90s songs and getting back massages from your sisters but then BAM you feel like your body is fighting against you and that the pain will never end...then the contraction ends and life is good again (for maybe a minute) then repeat. Pretty much every item I had in my birthing plan was thrown out the window due to my blood pressure (well that's what they said was the reason) In reality, I feel like they just didn't give a damn what my plans were, they were going to do or say what they wanted because hell they are the 'professionals' and "they know what's best". Whatever I'll stop complaining now, because even after the hours of contractions, pushing, hunger, and exhaustion I know that I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Because the moment they threw my baby boy onto my chest and his big blue balls flaunted in my face, my life changed. I never knew just how much love I could have for another single human until those moments after he was born. At first I thought, Oh shit! What do I do know? it's real...he is here. Then I saw Tim holding him and I realized that no matter what, we would make sure that he was taken care of and from that moment on...that's what we have done. Not always the "right" way...but hell we have managed to keep him alive so far so we must be doing something right.

It's bedtime in our I'll continue with how the past 7 weeks have gone in the next post...that's where all the reasons I decided to start up the blog come from because I truly feel the need to have a place to discuss my confusions, frustrations, and successes in this new life of ours.

Until next Time..

"Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves." Charles Stanley